Thursday, June 16, 2016

My thoughts on sadness, mass shooting and commentaries.

Greetings All, Shardvixen here;
    So the topic on lots of people minds is all the mass shootings.  I hate to be the bearer of sadness but the ones they show on the news are not the only ones to have happen.  In my house mass shooters are the topic off and on, and the connection to gun ownership and personal rights.  In my past I have research mass shooting for articles for school on video games and aggression, school age aggression and behavioral modification for aggression issues.  I have found some really great sites on the internet for understanding mass shooters.
     For most people it is hard to get inside the head of a mass shooters.  People who study the events tend to pick the variables( things which can cause or change either people or events from happening the same over and over again) of how they will put together the information.  I will list a few of the sights I visit so you can see for your self the history of mass shooting. China has problems with knife killings which is kind of interesting how that all works out.  Bombers also are in the same category as mass shooter but using bombs instead.
     It is hard to imaging the pain a person goes through when either they or some one they love and/or know is shot in a mass shooting.  For many people it is impossible to find the logic of someone doing a mass shooting.  For one reason the logic is flaw because the shooter's thoughts and reality are flawed.  People don't want people with mental illness to be targeted but shooters have impaired thinking which can be caused by mental illness.  It can also be caused my emotional trauma such as social isolation, bullying and abuse of any kind.
     In any given group of people, there are the average people which is about 75% of the population.  (It can be higher or lower depending on how the groups are arrange).  About 24% of the population are deviant(which means they don't think or act the same as the Norm{ what the average group does}) Being deviant isn't a good or bad thing, it just means it isn't the norm.  Then there is 1 % percent of the population who are not just deviant but deviant in a positive or negative way and this can be good or bad for the rest of the population. The 1% is the Exception to the Rule. The exception to any rule is the one who doesn't fit in the deviant but the norm but does something which excludes it from the norm as well.
  Example is about 50 years ago or less, getting a tattoo was consider deviant, neither good or bad, so they would be in the 24%  of the population.  Only about 1% would have more than 5 (this is just a guess) tattoos.The exception to the rule would be something like a tattoo but not, such as the marks put on Jewish people by the Nazis.  Now we can put tattoo people in a group of their own and it can be consider a norm behavior.
    Behavior is what we need to look at when studying mass shooters.  Studies have shown there are variables which are shared by mass shooters.  It is these share variables in which we need to look at when trying to understand why a person would chose to do a mass shooting.  I see mass shootings as an elaborate way to commit suicide.  I believe the individual knows their thinking and feelings are not the norm and can not find a better way to deal with it.  The few who weren't killed after the shooting act like a person who has been stopped from killing themselves. Am I saying we should feel sorrow for the killer.  As compassion people we should always feel compassion for those in pain, does the compassion excuse  the crime, no.  If you commit a crime while not feeling like yourself or commit it because you want to be punished, you have still commit a crime and there are consequences which derive from such actions.  Meaning if you do something bad against another, you will be punished if caught. I believe the shooters are not only punishing others for something(which we can not know since most killer die before questions can be asked and if they don't, we still won't get honest answers because of the trial.  Human tend to change their stories when on trial.) but are punishing themselves.
     The worse things about mass shootings and the people who do them, is that if the killer is kill there is no closure( understanding for why the action occurred)  for the victims and their families and friends.  We do not get to ask the why of it all.  It is hard to make sense of a senseless things and especially when the wrong doer has died.  It is even worse when the shooter lives because honesty is lost and few know why they did it except they must have been insane.  This gives no closure either except for the punishment.
     We as a  society need the punishment to be done.  We think it is to teach others to not do this.  But it is for us as a society to feel a sense of rightness, and fairness in our world.  The bad must not be allowed to do whatever they want without some kind of punishment raining down on them.  Punishment is for the good, it keeps us from doing the bad things.  It doesn't keep the bad from doing bad things because they figure they won't get caught and when they do there was a very good reason for their actions.
     We, as a society, need to figure out a way to begin to understand how mass shooters are created.  What are the same variables in their lives, so we can begin to help them understand that killing people isn't a good way to deal with stress, loss or lack of connection.  Some where on their timeline, they lose connection to society and begin to feel they must punish those like they are being punished.
     I AM NOT EXCUSING killers, I am just pointing out if we learn how to try to catch them before they decide they need to kill maybe we can stop so many of these killing from happening.  Maybe or maybe not.  They have been occurring in the USA for over 80 years.  Some believe if we do away with guns and the NRA, then our problems will go away.  It is always possible, but behavior which causes this to happen may still be there and maybe we will see more bomb mass killers.  I do not know.  The issue with taking away guns rights are the government is the one protecting us from ourselves.  First it will be guns, then food, then parenting rights, then entertainment and we are in a society where we can't do anything with out the permission of the government.  Maybe that is what we need. I don't really want to go down that road but if this is the only way to stop the mass killing, then lets try it.  Just be prepared to lose other rights as well.
    There are no easy answer or solutions when we are trying to change behaviors in people.I can only suggest you educate yourself and decide what you think.

My thoughts and energy go out with love and support to those who have become victims of mass shooting and for those they have loss.

Links for studies and websites:
Hopefully I will see you all on the flipside; Chow

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