Friday, November 29, 2019

Checking in before 2018 is done and it is 2020!

Greetings All, Shardvixen here:

So as always even though I try very hard to write here, time has gotten away from me.  So I fugrued I give an update to what all is going on in my life at the moment.

I have added DLive platform to my streaming channels. I really like how it is set up.  I use to like Mixer but they took away the thing I liked the most which was you could earn sparks for watching contect and be able to share it with your favorite streamers.  It use to be that it would help them make more money.  Now it just gives them a percentage and from what I can gather from a lot of the streamers there, this caused a big drop in their income.

Youtube isn't changing  and we all found out how shady they were as a company, or at least how shady Google is. Saddness for me as I really liked Google but every time you try to support a corportation, they tend to let you down.  Why can we all play nice and suppport our subs?

It is looking like Youtube will just be my video upload place till I find another one.  My family friendly channel is frozen by me for a moment till the New Year to see how the whole COPPA thing plays out on Youtube.  It kind of sad really because not BooBoy can't stream unless he does it on my channel.  I haven't decided if I am going end the family friendly channel or keep it yet.  If I delete it, I will put up playlist on my main channel for videos of BooBoy.  But the only way he will be able to stream will be if he is doing it with me on youtube it seems because there is no other platform that allows children on it.  Or I will have to create my own website and put those videos on there.

After the new year or in 2020, I will be changing my main channel to Twitch or maybe DLive.  I will have to see.  I like Twitch because there is so much that can be done in the chat for all of you.   I am still thinking about it as i am trying to figure out which one will be better for what I want to do.  

I like creating videos, animation and streaming.  I don't want to use my channels to make money from adds.  I rather just have it so you all can have fun with chatting with me and each other about the games we play.  I am currently working on a pateron which I have the tiers for but am waiting for money to get my die cut machine to make stickers and transfers with. Once I can do that i will open up the pateron with the idea of open up my own internet business.

I want to make streamer kits for other creators for their subs and conventions.  I want to do with good quality stuff for a low price to help small channels make a place for themselves on the internet.  I think this is the best thing for me to do with my talents which are being crafty, wanting to help and support others and share my creativity.   And it that works out then down the road open up party boxes for themed events that you can order and get at your place with instructions on having a wonderful party.  Like mystery dinner parties, or superhero fun time for adults.  Kind of like what 
Oriental Trading does but with more customized items for the special person who is celebrating.

I can only just work on things slowly as the Fibro keeps me down sometimes.  Such as my body having issues with the cold.  Double vision, burning mouth, pains in all the wrong places, feeling like I have the flu all the time, just being down and feeling like I am just almost floating through life lacking connection.

i am still working on the aniamtion I started two years ago and another one I started at the beginning of the new year. I am very slow at doing it all and thus make sme slow to learn new things, thus causing me to be slow to get my channels where I want them to be.  Since i don't know the fate fo my family friendly channel and I am holding back with my story channel, i can only work on the main channel.  But as I said above I might be moving that around as well.

Every thing takes time and I do have other things I want to do like make videos skits for Stickbabee and Sharvixen, Level Down with my son and lots and lots of aniamtion stories.  Along with writing, crafting and cleanning up all the stuff I have collected over time.  I want to do more tradional aniamtion with drawing as well.

So that kind fo sums up what I have been doing.  Watching my vlogs will keep you updated as well.  Come to my discord and chat if you want to know or if you have some cool ideas. Peace all, catch you all on the flip side!

Traveling with thelongroger- Part 9- Elders Scrollls Online - Xbox OneVideos of the Den November 29, 2019 at 11:48AM November 29, 2019 at 11:48AM Weekly


Questing and Traveling with Thelongroger in ESO Part 8 0- Xbox OneVideos of the Den November 29, 2019 at 11:39AM November 29, 2019 at 11:39AM Weekly


Sunday, November 17, 2019

Trying to get out the maze!Videos of the Den November 17, 2019 at 05:32PM November 17, 2019 at 05:32PM Weekly


Some more killing is on the list today!Videos of the Den November 17, 2019 at 03:21PM November 17, 2019 at 03:21PM Weekly


Crazy, crazy, we are all crazy in here!Videos of the Den November 17, 2019 at 01:30PM November 17, 2019 at 01:30PM Weekly


Go to New Places and Kill things! The Outer Worlds-PS4Videos of the Den November 17, 2019 at 11:24AM November 17, 2019 at 11:24AM Weekly


Go to New Places and Kill things! The Outer Worlds-PS4

Nms stream shinanigans

The Gang's all here and now it is time for adventuring!