Monday, June 20, 2016

Odd Bits of Ramble

Greetings All; Shardvixen here.
     So I have been roaming all over YouTube.  It is interesting how there are so many channels where it seems like people just walk away from them.  I wonder why.  I know some have died.  But what happen to the others. Especially the ones where it seem like they put a lot of hard work into their channel.  I understand that life can be bouncy and bumpy.  I have a WordPress that I left about 2 years ago but just recently returned.  It was for my writing and no one seemed to be interested, so I left to decide if I wanted to keep on writing and why I was writing.  But I was either going to return or end it.  We as a society leave so many things behind with no explanation.  Garbage, houses, other people, pets, cars and now online sites and channels.
     I been watching how to videos on all kinds of things.  How to make my videos better.  How to edit better.  What kinds of equipment to have and why.  How to get more subscribers.  How to, how to and more how to.  And the result is to be myself and take time to grow.  If I only have the same 20 in three years then I will officially be a loser on YouTube.  I have been told play newer games, play games in demand, do reviews, vlogs and a face cam.  So I have finished my masks, my avatar doll and started my family friendly channel.  I can only do what I like to do.  I like art, crafts, recycling crafts, cooking, hanging out with my kids, writing and of course playing video games.  I am going to be 51 and I am disable as well as a social outcast.  So I understand I am running uphill. But I won't give up.
     My first vlog From the Den will be out in about two weeks.  I have an intro I need to figure out how to make.  I have found that my imagination doesn't match my equipment, so I have to figure out how to do what I want to do.  I really enjoy getting my creative juices going to make videos because that helps me get my writing up and going.  I am currently writing a book in a group on Facebook as my evil twin Skippy(comic book quote by Dazzler) Eliza Bout.  Maybe you can take a look at that.  The story is called; The Caged.  It is a fantasy/Scifi story. My favorite kind of stories.  Post world destruction  is another one.
     My son and I will be doing lots more games on my second channel.  I am slowly getting him interested in helping me and creating his own Youtube.  He is really a funny dude and has wonderful ideas about making games.  I like him working on something besides watching every video by his favorite YouTube stars.
     I am amazed by how many different channels there are on YouTube.  If one remembers there are 100 gaming  channels with over 1 million viewers.  But it just boggles my mind on how many more are under that.  I am at least not the only one who is only at 20 viewers, though many at that number have quit.  I am not going to quit until I hit my three year mark.
      I wish my pain levels would recede a bit but they seem to be getting worse though the meds I am taking at this time seem to be helping a bit which scares me, because that means the pain would even be worse if I wasn't taking the pain meds.  I am hoping soon we will find out if it is only fibermylia or if there is something else going on.  Hopefully it isn't because I am crazy and it is all in my head.  Oh maybe in my head but in the tumor way.(sorry not a real good speller and I am so bad that spell check doesn't even know what I am trying to say.
     I am going to have to figure out how to get my creating schedule set up because I am still making things for the channels.  I have to got online and research, type up my chapter for my story, write in my blogs, work on my videos and do the videos.  I have been practicing on editing my videos especially my crafting videos.  I really don't know how to edit my gaming videos as of yet because I talk so much in them.  I kind of wish I could see some one do a video for their channel from start to finish( I have seen on which wasn't on anything but doing a video, I would rather see one on a gaming channel.)
    Life is never boring, always bouncing here and there. I like the smooth rides but can move around the potholes pretty good.  It will be interesting to see where the next three years go for me.  It is fun to think about the fact I am currently five decades old, half a century.  If I live to be 100 years old, I have only lived half my life time.  I want to live to see 6/6/66.  Seems like an interesting date.  I will be 100 years old waiting to see 101.
  I am otta here.  Catch you on the flipside. Chow!

Still playing and still coloring

Here we go again!Videos of the Den June 20, 2016 at 12:27AM June 20, 2016 at 12:27AM Weekly


Still playing and still coloringVideos of the Den June 20, 2016 at 12:01AM June 20, 2016 at 12:01AM Weekly


Atom AdamVideos of the Den June 19, 2016 at 11:39PM June 19, 2016 at 11:39PM Weekly


Thursday, June 16, 2016

My thoughts on sadness, mass shooting and commentaries.

Greetings All, Shardvixen here;
    So the topic on lots of people minds is all the mass shootings.  I hate to be the bearer of sadness but the ones they show on the news are not the only ones to have happen.  In my house mass shooters are the topic off and on, and the connection to gun ownership and personal rights.  In my past I have research mass shooting for articles for school on video games and aggression, school age aggression and behavioral modification for aggression issues.  I have found some really great sites on the internet for understanding mass shooters.
     For most people it is hard to get inside the head of a mass shooters.  People who study the events tend to pick the variables( things which can cause or change either people or events from happening the same over and over again) of how they will put together the information.  I will list a few of the sights I visit so you can see for your self the history of mass shooting. China has problems with knife killings which is kind of interesting how that all works out.  Bombers also are in the same category as mass shooter but using bombs instead.
     It is hard to imaging the pain a person goes through when either they or some one they love and/or know is shot in a mass shooting.  For many people it is impossible to find the logic of someone doing a mass shooting.  For one reason the logic is flaw because the shooter's thoughts and reality are flawed.  People don't want people with mental illness to be targeted but shooters have impaired thinking which can be caused by mental illness.  It can also be caused my emotional trauma such as social isolation, bullying and abuse of any kind.
     In any given group of people, there are the average people which is about 75% of the population.  (It can be higher or lower depending on how the groups are arrange).  About 24% of the population are deviant(which means they don't think or act the same as the Norm{ what the average group does}) Being deviant isn't a good or bad thing, it just means it isn't the norm.  Then there is 1 % percent of the population who are not just deviant but deviant in a positive or negative way and this can be good or bad for the rest of the population. The 1% is the Exception to the Rule. The exception to any rule is the one who doesn't fit in the deviant but the norm but does something which excludes it from the norm as well.
  Example is about 50 years ago or less, getting a tattoo was consider deviant, neither good or bad, so they would be in the 24%  of the population.  Only about 1% would have more than 5 (this is just a guess) tattoos.The exception to the rule would be something like a tattoo but not, such as the marks put on Jewish people by the Nazis.  Now we can put tattoo people in a group of their own and it can be consider a norm behavior.
    Behavior is what we need to look at when studying mass shooters.  Studies have shown there are variables which are shared by mass shooters.  It is these share variables in which we need to look at when trying to understand why a person would chose to do a mass shooting.  I see mass shootings as an elaborate way to commit suicide.  I believe the individual knows their thinking and feelings are not the norm and can not find a better way to deal with it.  The few who weren't killed after the shooting act like a person who has been stopped from killing themselves. Am I saying we should feel sorrow for the killer.  As compassion people we should always feel compassion for those in pain, does the compassion excuse  the crime, no.  If you commit a crime while not feeling like yourself or commit it because you want to be punished, you have still commit a crime and there are consequences which derive from such actions.  Meaning if you do something bad against another, you will be punished if caught. I believe the shooters are not only punishing others for something(which we can not know since most killer die before questions can be asked and if they don't, we still won't get honest answers because of the trial.  Human tend to change their stories when on trial.) but are punishing themselves.
     The worse things about mass shootings and the people who do them, is that if the killer is kill there is no closure( understanding for why the action occurred)  for the victims and their families and friends.  We do not get to ask the why of it all.  It is hard to make sense of a senseless things and especially when the wrong doer has died.  It is even worse when the shooter lives because honesty is lost and few know why they did it except they must have been insane.  This gives no closure either except for the punishment.
     We as a  society need the punishment to be done.  We think it is to teach others to not do this.  But it is for us as a society to feel a sense of rightness, and fairness in our world.  The bad must not be allowed to do whatever they want without some kind of punishment raining down on them.  Punishment is for the good, it keeps us from doing the bad things.  It doesn't keep the bad from doing bad things because they figure they won't get caught and when they do there was a very good reason for their actions.
     We, as a society, need to figure out a way to begin to understand how mass shooters are created.  What are the same variables in their lives, so we can begin to help them understand that killing people isn't a good way to deal with stress, loss or lack of connection.  Some where on their timeline, they lose connection to society and begin to feel they must punish those like they are being punished.
     I AM NOT EXCUSING killers, I am just pointing out if we learn how to try to catch them before they decide they need to kill maybe we can stop so many of these killing from happening.  Maybe or maybe not.  They have been occurring in the USA for over 80 years.  Some believe if we do away with guns and the NRA, then our problems will go away.  It is always possible, but behavior which causes this to happen may still be there and maybe we will see more bomb mass killers.  I do not know.  The issue with taking away guns rights are the government is the one protecting us from ourselves.  First it will be guns, then food, then parenting rights, then entertainment and we are in a society where we can't do anything with out the permission of the government.  Maybe that is what we need. I don't really want to go down that road but if this is the only way to stop the mass killing, then lets try it.  Just be prepared to lose other rights as well.
    There are no easy answer or solutions when we are trying to change behaviors in people.I can only suggest you educate yourself and decide what you think.

My thoughts and energy go out with love and support to those who have become victims of mass shooting and for those they have loss.

Links for studies and websites:
Hopefully I will see you all on the flipside; Chow

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Thinking is always a good thing if you are a fox.

Greetings All; Shardvixen here,
    I have been doing a lot of thinking a lot but not much doing.  Pain levels and depression have been high.  Shardvxien has been sleeping and her evil twin Eliza Jane Bout has been writing a lot.
What has Shardvixen been thinking about, my channel, life and the world.
Who to vote for in the 2016 election.  Sometimes I think I should write myself in and vote for me.  As Shardvixen, I could come up with all kinds of new laws.  I would change how the US of A sees mental health.
    Which reminds me of something some one said to me.  Why is it called the United States of America when there are other countries in North, Central and South America.  Should it be called the United States of North America or would Canada get upset.  I always figured ti was because at the time we picked our name the other two countries were also growing.   Also there are other United States so you cant just call us that
   Did you know that roses are patent?  You can't get seeds from a rose plant and create your own new plant only by grafting can you do that.  I don't get it but there must be a lot of rose stealing going on.  The patent system on roses in US of A (or NA) began in 1930 and the part about allowing grafting was created in 1970.  I need to study more about it I guess.
   I have been watching Falling Skies on Amazon Prime the last couple of days because of the pain, I can't do much else.  I like the first 3 seasons but I am not sure about season four which I will have to finish in a couple of days or at least I hope I can finish it.  Was getting Prime free for two weeks.  It is funny to me how we have to pay for the right to watch shows when it was all free until I was about 14 or 16 years old.  We got cable in 1981.  I remember the first video MTV showed.  Now MTV seems to just be another channel creating content somebody wants to watch.  Change, all things change sometimes for the good and sometimes for the bad.  Youtube is changing but it is hard to tell if it is for the good or the bad.
  I have been studying copyright laws both for writing and videoing.  There is a lot ot understand so I will have to take it slow and build my channel.  I know where I want my channels to go but it is slow getting there.  I want to do more than just videoing me playing games.  One, because I am not very good at play and my voice isn't pretty and neither is my face so I had to rely on my personality and few people seem to like that.
  The truth is I can only be me and me sometimes means chaos.  Things don't go the way I wish or want only the way I need them to go. I love to create and hope to do so and have people enjoy it.  So I will keep thinking and sharing and doing all my creative stuff for as long as I can and hope others will see it and share it and enjoy it.
I am otta here, Catch you all on the flipside. Chow.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

My Channel

Greeting All; Shardvixen here;
I have been doing a lot of research into making my channel one that others would watch.  And you know what I have discovered.  Probably no one will watch my channels.  Why because of a few facts.
      1.  I am not camera beautiful.  I say it this way because if I say I am ugly then people get all weird and say I don't have any confidence which is a whole lot of bullshit.  I didn't say I though I was ugly.  I don't.  I think I am beautiful in my human form, not as beautiful as I am in my fox form but foxes are just wonderful, beautiful creatures that no human can compare to.   What I am saying is, I am not media beautiful in human form so I will become a fox.(HeeHee)  I am sure those who are in the Million lists for viewers and views probably don't think they are all that beautiful but something about their faces is pleasing to others.  I know my face isn't even pleasing to others in the real world much less the digital one.
      2.  Every thing has been done.  If you don't believe me search YouTube for something you are interested in and you will most likely find a video if not a channel in your area of interest.  Now this one wouldn't keep me from trying but I wouldn't be surprise if it was the reason I wasn't watched.  Right now all I upload are me playing games.  If you look at Social Blade which keeps track of YouTube channels and their statistics; the top 100 channels are over a million subscribers just in video gaming.  So finding your niche can be a bit tough.  But modifying things is what I do best, so I will not give up and i will just do what I am good at.
     3.  Every channel is asking for you to subscribe and to like their videos.  There is a reason for this which is about money.  If it wasn't about money, a comment would be enough for creating.  Should I stop creating just because no one is watching.  I say no but really who is going to watch me if no one is watching me.  It is a paradox event.  I can't get viewers until people have view me but people can't view me until I have viewers.  Will I let this stop me, no but I most likely won't get viewers.
I just want to say, I have nothing against making money with my art  I have nothing against others making money from their content but with every one asking for money, it seems likely some will not be getting any.
     4. I am just beginning and I am poor.  Should this stop me, no but everyone who looks at my videos suggest; I buy this or that; or play a brand new game(which every one does) or get better equipment or software, hardware or whatever.  I am learning all kind of new things even YouTube protocol.  I can't buy anything new at this time.  I can play the games I have which I do or the ones I borrow when I can.   I will create a few other channels showcasing my other hobbies such as puppets, story time. crafts, gardening and  recycling as well as just being a foolish fox.  I will make my set and explore video slowly over time.
     5. There are so many channels out there.  Females playing games don't do as well as males playing games.  But I am a fox playing games hopefully that will let me stand out some.    I don't do Let's Play because I am bad at playing games.  Hell I am still playing the same area in Dark Souls.  I get stuck in easy places and I am sure I frustrate the heck out those who watch.  I don't have the sparkling, funny and intriguing personality which make people want to watch me.(I will work on that, but I wouldn't hold your breath, I am not that popular in the real world either, except as a fool)

There are those of us who have to work really hard and sometimes even harder than others.  It isn't that I have bad luck, it is more like I don't have any luck either way.  I have to do twice the work of others to get people to notice me and then things tend to fall apart.  Does this mean I will quit?  Does it sound like that is what I am saying.

NO!!!!! what I am saying is I will have to work really hard.  I will have to learn new things.  I will have to keep reaching out to people to get them to notice me.  I will have to treat others the way I want to be treated( my 1st belief always).  I want to see where this will go.  I want people to be interested in my art, in my commentaries, in my channel.  So I will keep researching, I will keep learning and I will keep improving what I do.  IF down the road this gets me a career as a youtuber, cool if not; that is cool as well because at least I can say I tried.  Never ever quit on your dream till you are ready.  When I quit it will be because I have to or because something different came from my failures.
Have a great Bitchin' Friday ( for the good and the bad of it )  and I will catch you on the flipside!  I am outta here!