Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Thoughts on Youtube Heroes

Greetings All; Shardvixen here,
     This is just a rambling Blog, with not too much of a direction.  I am still working on getting my channels to the level I want them to be.  Any questions some of you might have, just let me know or check my earlier blogs for what I am trying to do with them.
     I have been very ill with physical chronic pain so my activities have been dropped to an almost stopped.  I am slowly making puppets, backdrops and ideas for my vlogs and list of craft ideas for my Magificent Channel.  That is where my channel news is at.
    I have been wondering about all the changes or not changes but awareness on youtube and what that means to me and other small creators who are slowly building their channels like me.  I get the idea behind the Youtube Heroes but I am not sure if it is going to go the way Youtube is trying to sell it.  I am sure they were trying to create a way for the Youtube community to censor themselves but what they have forgotten is the "Invisible Man Syndrome".
     On the internet, like writing a letter to an editor where you don't have to put your name, means you can say whatever without few of being punished.  The invisible human concept is: if no one can see you do something, is the something wrong.  For example: if you were invisible would you visit a person you have desired to watch them either become naked or have sex.  This was a question on a research survey trying to find out if people viewed laws as a physical thing or not.  Kind of like if I don't get caught, I haven't done anything wrong.
     This is a philosophy idea as well.  "Do we follow rules for few of punishment or because we know it is wrong?  For the invisible ideal, if no one is getting hurt, no one knows and no one can catch me, then is it really wrong.  As you can guess behaviorally on the internet, if no one knows who I am, then no one can punish me so I can do or say whatever I want.  Youtube, has kind of in the past, embraced this idea.  Creators could post what they wanted and Youtube would store their videos and others would watch it.  It seems that the videos which challenge the right and wrong of ethical behavior became more popular.  This is because people could watch another misbehave, be mean and just be stupid without suffering any punishment to themselves.
     In society, we punish those who are deviant to the norm.  Deviation means different then the norm.  For example, if the norm is to be polite to our servers, then the deviation in a restaurant would be someone being rude to their server.  Society accepts that the server has the right to refuse to serve ( in most places) the customer, thus this is the punishment for the deviation from norm behavior.  Slowly over time, in some places in the United States, if a customer is rude, they don't get punished in any way and slowly other begin to do the same behavior to servers.  Over time it can happen that the deviant behavior( being rude) becomes the norm and being polite is seen as a deviation and instead of punishment, reward happen to those who are polite.
     On the internet, if one doesn't use their real name, that person can say or do whatever they want.  Add that to mob riot, then you have a dangerously bigoted event when giving such people power to decide what is good for others.  It kinds of reminds me of book burning groups.  These groups decided what was good for others and then burned everything else.  Many of the groups were of one religious belief, social belief and cultural belief or some other belief.  Like a feminist groups picking out books which had sexist and violence towards women and burning all the books.  I remember in my grade school there was a a huge fuss made about the reading of "Lord of Flies" and they got the book banned.  I, myself, went and read it by myself during the summer.  The same group tried to get it banned from our library but that didn't fly as well but they did get it put in the adult section.  I was allowed to read adult books because I got my mom who loved to read to write a note saying I could read what I wanted when I was about 11 years old.
     If  something is banned by a popular person or enough people who are of the same liked mine, then it will either get banned or get so much attention that every one will want to see it even if it is just to bash it as well. Going back to the internet or even just Youtube, if a bunch of people can get a video seen as banned, then without some kind of other intervention, that video will be lost to others who may not see anything wrong with it.  Even though Youtube states that is not the intent for heroes, the reality is it will become a popularity contest based on how well a creator can please their audience.  I am sure it is already kind of this way but to discredit a video based on language (lots or little), nudity, sexual content, or who made it, it limits what is being seen.
    If there is a need to censor Youtube, then either a committee or council should be created to reflect the creators and the different content that is being created.  They could add some people who represent the viewers based on statistics of the viewers( my viewers so far, for example, are mostly women).  It would be very easy and they could still offer rewards to people who wish to be part of this.  It would be great if they could get objective people but that is rare.  Many would have to be either forensic scientist or behaviorist because that is a job which requires objectivity, you know just the facts please. Even then there is still some biases.
    For me, I am thinking, I would be censored for bad language, sensitive subjects and pushing deviant subjects like objectivity.  So my channel could be cut short before it even got completed and doing what I wanted.  I am not sure how others feel about such a thing.  But this is exactly how censorship works, it is basically an either all or none.  Either all gaming videos with cussing should be allowed or none.  That is how objectivity works but popularity is based on favoritism and biases
All I can say is it will be interesting to see where this goes for Youtube.
I am outta of here, catch you all on the flip side. Peace!.


Thursday, September 8, 2016

This is being put here, so I can check it out over and over again.  This is how I read and absorb information, over and over again.
Greetings All, Shardvixen here;  This isn't a true blog.  Just a note to self. Thanks for reading and catch you all on the flip side!

Thursday, September 1, 2016

In the darkVideos of the Den September 1, 2016 at 11:03PM September 1, 2016 at 11:03PM Weekly


Maybe this is a tad bit hardVideos of the Den September 1, 2016 at 10:39PM September 1, 2016 at 10:39PM Weekly


Helping the Robots 2 or I have been here beforeVideos of the Den September 1, 2016 at 10:11PM September 1, 2016 at 10:11PM Weekly


Do You Ever Wonder..........?

Greetings All; Shardvixen here,
     I wonder about a lot of things.  Ever since I was just a little foxling, I have felt like I was in some way the catalyst for events around me.  Things evetually fall apart and chaos reigns.  I get, as a fox goddess, it is possible that other things could be doing it but I have always seen myself as a chaos goddess.  Now I can list a few things which seems to support this but no real research because like all things dealing with the divine, there is no real research. (It is all just slant meanings to look like truth or it is all about faith).
     I don't just effect myself but others around me.  I wrote a fictional story about it, making it all seem even worse and the girl in it was a goddess of chaos as well because...well it all just makes so much sense.  Like the fact I got fired from jobs which were already in a really weird place ( the owners drank a lot, engaged in criminal activities and were harassing their employees, thus allowing me to get unemployment).  I know you are thinking; how does this support your belief that I cause bad crap to happen.  It doesn't, not really they are just the exception to the rule but I really hated working at those places so me getting fired was a blessing really, so maybe I am a goddess with fate as my wand.  Hmmmm.
     Since I was created and the fox spirt connected with the other part of me, the human part, the "She who shall not be Named part to create ....drum roll please.......SHARDVIXEN.  Things fall apart.  My human mother lost her lover who was to be my human father and married another.  A mean, cruel man who couldn't keep the secret of my birth to himself, instead he used it against me and said, "that is why I hate you!" to me.  I am sorry to say he never left, just stuck around to make my life miserable until he told me at 21 years of age the truth of my creation(not the fox part cause only I knew about that) just the human part.  If it hadn't been for the fox part, I would have died a very long time ago from heartache and sorrow.  The human parents got a divorce(again not a chaotic thing).  The chaotic thing had been having to live with him for so many years.
Ok so I caused chaos around me, which made my peers decide they had to knock me off my divine pestle and teach me to grovel in the dirt.  That seems pretty chaotic to me.  Though I didn't know about my fox spirit till later in my teens.  Vixen became an aware part of me to later be named Shardvixen (because do you know how many people used Vixen as their internet name even in the early days of it)  But even then I didn't understand the power of chaos, that came much later.
It is hard to love a chaotic being even a divine one (or maybe it is hard to love a mental health suffer, I get those two things confused)
So teen years of turmoil, sadness and sorrow along with depression and anxiety( oh wait I think that happen to everyone but it was way worse for me, I swear)  I felt different, alone and crazy.  I am afraid to say that hasn't changed yet.
Any hoo, let get back on track, so I lost job after job due to bankruptcy, or just change.  But it always happen after I started work there and was happy.  I lost lovers but usually only after I decided they were safe to love or not very loving because they were unsafe (ok that one doesn't seem to support my theory either or maybe it does).  What I am trying to explain is odd events of unhappiness or change seem to follow me around.  It would happen to others but only others who were connected to me in some way.  Why am I bring this up?
     Well YouTube is changing.  It seems like something I am happy with is changing and I won't be able to make money doing something I like; creating videos of me playing video games, making people enjoy watching a clueless grandmother play games because I cuss.  I guess I could make a video where I didn't cuss and I may but I saw a world where I could be myself and offer people a chance to share it and they could decide to share it.  Maybe I won't be any more successful at this then I have been at any other thing(discount being a student and a mother and a behaviorist)  maybe I will have to just create and see where it leads.  Maybe there is no place for a chaos fox goddess anymore.
     Maybe it is just the way of the human life path, things change.  Sometimes for the best and sometimes not.  Maybe some of the great video game creators shouldn't have shared how much money they were making at Youtube, maybe if people got along better or maybe there is no reason and I am just different, alone and crazy once more.  Who knows except I.
As a small creator trying to find her place in the sun, trying to explore another way of sharing, trying to figure out what is next for her, the idea of YouTube changing before I got to be the first grandmother to get 1 million subscribers for my videos is a bit sad.  I guess I just jump on this ship after it had sailed and am now realizing I may be drowning or floating but not really getting to see the new world that was promised.
     I hope there comes another new world in which, I can shine in before I die.  Where I can show all the things I can do.  But fot now, I am still having fun and I hope you all are too.

I am outta here...Catch you on the flip side. Peace!