Sunday, May 29, 2016

To follow or lead, that is the question

Greetings All, Shardvixen here;
As I have watch youtube videos to get an idea on how I want my channel to go, I see a lot of negativity in comments, then one youtuber, Jacksepticeye does a vlog about editing and the negativity he sees.  Where is it all coming from?
I have had a lot of behavior and psychology classes.  Does this make me smarter than the average 5th grader, no but it does educate me in trying to understand human behavior.  Why do some people follow haters, why are some people haters?  I have seen it all my life.  I was bullied as a child.  I basically had to learn to create a very strong wall around my feelings to keep myself safe.  When adulthood came, I though "hooray, no one will bully me."
As you can image, I lost my innocent of being an adult.  I was very naive and really believe people grew up and realized what they had done as a child was wrong.  Bullies come in all ages.
By definition a bully is some one who does harm to another for power.  This power can come from the concept of getting something from the person using violence of one form or another.
Some people, such as myself, are immune to nasty, hurtful words.  Being called a cry baby when I was young didn't really bother me while on the other hand being pushed, tripped and hit made me cry because it hurt.  But really hurt was being treated like a friend one minute and like trash the next.  And that still bothers me now, though I don't let it effect me.
The question I always wonder about, is the why.  Why are some people mean?  Do they know they are being mean because that is what is the difference between a bully and a plain asshole.  Asshole sometimes know they are being mean but they don't care but some assholes don't, words just come out wrong.
There are all kinds of different bullies.  The only thing they all have in common, is they hurt others to gain power.  It is like they have a superpower.  The power of being mean, the power to get others to be mean, and the power to make the victims be mean to themselves. Some bullies are both victims and attackers.  They are dislike so much they learn to use violence as a way to have standing in the world.
On youtube, I see a lot of video makers/creators who influence others and then those others go out and hurt others.  Is this bulling, yes it is in a way.  If you as a creator don't understand, even though you can't make some one hurt someone else, you can suggest it in a way that seems like your followers will want to make you happy or safe and therefore will attack those you dislike.
Is this fair, no but it is the way we as human think.  We all like to belong and not be the one stuck on the outside of the circles of humans we like.  Youtube allows for people to join in a common cause without someone saying "I don't like the way you are acting, so I don't want you to follow me".  Yes, I am sure a creator could get rid of a subscriber but that brings up a tough point as well.  If you got rid of all the subscribers one didn't like, would you have enough subscribers to even warrant a channel?
I don't make a good follower.  I can follow if I feel the cause is just but I won't be part of any group which causes harm to others.  I believe in sarcasm and parody but sometimes people will say they didn't mean to be mean when they really did but know if they hid behind art, they can continue to be mean.
Parody means : to copy the style of another but to do so in a way that is funny.  It doesn't mean in a way which is mean.  And sarcasm means: to mock or to do so to show contempt.  Some things need to be seen this way while others don't.  It is up to us as a group or culture or society to decide what needs to be done this way and what is acceptable humor wrapped up in sarcasm and parody.  Lately in the last 20 years as communities try to fight aggressive behaviors in schools, more and more aggressive humor is popping up in media.   Is it wrong to assault a person with words such as fat, stupid, retard, bitch, bastard, slut, geek?  Is it wrong to assault a person and laugh to show it was just a joke.  I think for me it has to be in the appropriate atmosphere and I get to decide where that is for me.  
Do people have to state when they are hurt before it is decide to be wrong to use such humor? If we acknowledge such areas like a stage to be an ok place to create such humor are we adding to the hurt it can cause?
I have found some really bad humor to be funny, black as sin humor which if taken out of the realm of humor, would be seen as a direct insult and assault of certain types of people.  I have seen fat people make fun of being fat and sometimes it is funny and sometimes it isn't.  If we follow the humor and encourage it, what does that say of us as a race of beings?
As leaders should we forgo such humor even though it has existed probably since the beginning of sharing humor.  Two primitive beings laugh over another one falling in shit or saying or doing something stupid.
I agree with Jacksepticeye;  I don't want people being mean to each other in my comments.  But they can be mean to me.  I have seen websites, Facebook pages and other social media where horrible things are said about other types of people.  In the descriptions it always states " This was a parody of another."  I will not mind someone making a parody of me but I do mind people hiding behind an art form to be mean to me or others.  I am most likely seen by others as a loser, but I don't care.  I will not lead people to be hurtful and I will not follow those who are being hurtful.  I will choose what I want to share and what I see as funny as long as I don't think it will hurt another.  
I understand this gives some haters power to say they are hurt by what I write, record or share and all I can do is acknowledge their pain real or not.  It is not up to me to decide if they were hurt just to understand they may have been.
We all need to think about how we want to treat each other, especially if beings from out of space come and decide to eat us, we would all have to band together.  Some of us may not want to work with the asshole who thought it was funny to laugh at us.
I welcome all of your thoughts on this site and on my youtube channel.  We can open a discussion of this topic any time.  I will catch you all on the flipside and I am outta here!

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