Tuesday, July 2, 2019

How blogs does a fox need?

Greeting All Shardvixen  here,
So I have two blogs unless you count tumblr too.  And/ or Discord. I write on both of them as well every once in a while.
I have a word press that is just for my fictional writing.  This one is about things I might want to vlog or feel are too short for a vlog.
Check out Word Press: https://elizabout.wordpress.com/
My Tumblr is: https://shardvixen.tumblr.com/
Shardvixen is Eliza Bout and Eliza Bout is Shardvixen.   Of course I have my channels too.
Youtube: Grandmie-plays-gamez:
Twitter and Istargram are under Shardvixen.
I also have a Medium, Amino and my Discord.
I love the discord the best as I find the easiest to use so far.
Discord: https://discord.gg/33jwM8r
and a Facebook which I don't like as much but still use:
Just search for Eliza Bout.
I try to keep up on all of them but Discord and Twitter and my channels are where you will find me the most.
I will be trying to use the Word Press more as I want to get back into writing and animating my writing.  This vlog is mostly for my youtube channel.  I hope I see you out there somewhere.
Catch you all on the flip side! Peace all.

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