Thursday, August 4, 2016

Exception to the Rule

Greetings All; Shardvixen here,
     So all of life has exceptions to the rule.  I am one of those.  Many people don't understand how there can be people different in every set group of people.  One example we could talk about is tattooed people.  I am not tattooed but I love tattoos.  I am not tattoo because I am afraid of doing things for the first time and tend to avoid painful things.  I am sure one reason is because I have chronic pain.  The other is I just can't force myself to do things I am afraid of unless I really have to like getting an MIR for the first time.  The last reason is because I am an exception to the rule. If it is going to happen for the first time, it will most likely happen to me.
     Exception to the rule is used in research thought they have a different name for it.  Standard Deviation is what it is called.  For those of you who know what that is, Hurrah because learning aobut it is a bit of a talent.  Got to love the numbers.  But for those of us who have had a bitch of a time learning how to explain why some things do things the way the group has decided is the right way to do things and a few do things deviant - deviant means (different from the norm{norm being all of society, well actually the average of society which is about 65% to 75% of the population } because norm doesn't in this case mean normal thought many people think that.  It just means average amount)- and a small amount do something that isn't even in the realm of all the others.  As me liking tattoos but not ever getting one.
     In the standard deviation model we have a group or population.  Here I was using tattooed people.  This a a group of its own. I found an article from 2015 which will give us some numbers to work with.  I am going to show you how one can simplify standard deviation to explain it and understand it.  For those of you who understand it, this will seem very simple and you might not agree with it.  It is fine with me if you want to leave your own idea about it.
The next link is for population of 2014 so my numbers will be a little off for those of you who need the precise info or are a bit of a perfectionist so to the US census
 and they should have a way to calculate it better. I am just a bit lazy. ( a side note, that site is fun because it shows the population going up and down based on a birth every 7 seconds, cool)

Based on this article we will create our norm group:

The number of adults with tattoos is : estimated 49,054,748
The norm for this groups will be the oldest age group which is 30 to 39 year old women.  So for all who were born in 1976 to 1985 are the norm.  So if you are a woman born during those years and you are not tattooed, then you would be deviant from the norm. Within the tattooed group.

The tricky thing here is this is only 20% percent of the whole adult population, so basically the tattooed group is also a deviant group from the norm.

The further one gets from the norm, the more deviant the behavior.  In this group only 20% percent had one tattoo.  14 % is the number of adults who have one or more tattoos.  This would be considered a deviant behavior of the norm as well which is one tattoo.  If you are a man with a tattoo you are also deviant from the norm being more women have tattoos then men unless the woman is 65 plus, then it is 3:1 man have a tattoo. (meaning 3 men to 1 woman have tattoos)

So now that you have a simple understanding of norm, deviant and how that looks, we can move on to standard deviation which is basically those who don't fit into the norm or any of the plot sets after.

I would be considered a deviation in the tattoo group because I am not tattooed
So what does this all really mean rather than just being some odd ramble of mine.  Basically that I am deviant from the norm most of the time.  I am the living Murphy's Law, meaning." Anything that can go wrong will go wrong".
In my case"If it has never happen before  but there is a possibility it could happen, it will probably happen to me."
Examples: I get pulled over for not putting on my ticker (signal for turning) 100 yards before moving into a turn lane.  Most people say they haven't gotten pulled over for it.  I am sure the police officer was looking for other things to get me for.  But he didn't even call in my license instead just stood at the back of his car for a bit.

Paperwork needed for something important.  I don't make a copy(which I always try to) They (the people needing the paperwork) that they have never lost it or it has never not gotten to them but somehow mine always does.

My check will get lost in the mail.  This has happen many times at all the different places I have lived and the Post Office has no clue where it is.  The people sending it to me, will have no clue and I will have to start the process of getting it all over again.

Getting carded for using a bank card.  My daughter can give her care to anyone even a male friend and they don't get carded for ID (Identification) but the first time I use it( no matter what kind of card), I will.

Show up some place where they tell me what time because no one ever comes in at that time, so I do and there will be a line and lots of people.

Having chronic pain with no reason for the pain and no one can figure out why I have the pain, so I must not have the pain or I must be faking it. ( I have had doctors hint at both of these reason my whole life.  I use to believe them, now I don't and I keep pushing.  I tell them I am the exception to the rule.  If no one believes you, you must keep pushing if the event keeps happening, you may be the exception to the rule.)

It is rare for someone as young as 50 to get chronic shingles but I have them all the time. Hurts a lot but the doctors just ignore me because there is nothing they can do.  There is a vaccine but it only last for five years, so they give it to the norm group which is 60 to 65 years old because they are more likely to become seriously ill from shingles.  So I have to wait till I get older.

Speaking of the shingles, I am the exception to the rule with it as well.  I don't get the rash sores in big patches, just one or two blisters with a bad case of the ichies for about a day.  It is the nerve pain afterwards and the flu like feeling before.  i get really sick.

I could list all the bullying I got as a kid for really dumb reasons which I was told were either non existence or just don't happen.  Children don't hit you because you are skinny or you are dressed funny or the blue moon shows up.  I guess I was the exception to the rule.

Why an I talking about the exception to the rule.  Well because we have been seeing it a lot in the world lately.
Police officer don't just shoot people.  I guess all those people shot were the exception to the rule.  It doesn't mean there wasn't a valid reason, just that is was something that rarely happens, though lately it seems it may become more common or even the average event in a person's life especially if that person is of a perceived race labeled with a stereotype created by society as a way to understand behavior but that is a ramble for another day!

When there is behavior that seems out of the norm ( away from the average behavior of the known group), society wants to understand why.  The authorities need to label and categorize what kind of people who be doing such behavior.  Even though it seem objective and biases, it is needed in the society otherwise it would be hard to protect ourselves.  Figuring out how to do it without subjecting one group to the discrimination of other groups is something society needs to define in a more supportive way rather than a punitive way.

It all comes back to how we ourselves categorize those who we like and admire and those we despise and wish to be rid of .  Think about how you know you dislike some one or thing and how you like it.  We do make list for meeting and being with people even if we don't know it.

I am outta here, Catch you all on the flip side. Peace.

If you want to learn more about how to do standard deviation as a mathmatical formula check out this website.

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