Sunday, December 4, 2016

Dear Everybody from a nobody

Dear Everybody from a nobody
I am just one person but I believe as a society we need to stand together.  If just one person passed this one, then it would be two people standing together in protest against what one company is doing to our own people.
I wish I could go to North Dakota and stand in protest against the oil pipeline but that isn’t something I can do.  I wish I could be a voice heard in support, so I have decided I will speak and do, and maybe that will in a small part help.
The company who is pushing the pipeline through even though they state that they are all about safety, people and the environment is Energy Transfer Partners.  This company was created by one man who is the CEO and Chairman of the Board: Kelcy Lee Warren.  Who profess he wishes to help those around him who are less fortunate, which is most of us because he is a very rich man.  His net worth is 4 billion dollars. He created a non-profit organization; to help children across the county.  This seems almost like the creation of a paradox or “catch 22″.
You create a company that says it cares for people, who want to help make people’s lives, you then create a non-profit organization who helps children but you fail to listen to American people, native american people who tell you your pipeline is going to hurt people, going to hurt children.  It isn’t just about the water but also about the land these people, these children live one, their culture, their beliefs and their connection to their past.  All for money.
You know it is wrong because you are putting a lot of your company and the pipelines it has created including the one in Dakota into Sunoco Logistics.  This daughter company and you are merging and it was Sunoco which headed off to court to get the pipeline going again. 
Shame on you Mr. Warren.  Money should not be more important than people. I stand in protest against you and your companies.  I know that you will be the Chairman of Sunoco as well, so you are still making money the transportation of oil and gasses and you hope that President Elect Trump will support you and this pipeline.
Mr. Warren is also the co founder of Music Road  Records.  These artist should also boycott him.  We should all boycott this company, Sunoco Logistics and ETP(Energy Transfer Partners) We need to stand together, those of us who can not join the physical fight need to spread the word. We need to stop using the products which come form oil and gas or do a sit in or a day refusal of using the products and share it with the Internet community.  We need to let all those responsible for the pipeline know we do not like them bullying our citizens who have the right to their health, culture and believes as well as their history.  It can be little things or big things.  We can all do our part to be like the Whos in Whovill, who shoult “WE ARE HERE” and we do not like or agree with your behavior.   It is because of our dependency on oil and gas, that companies like this think they run the world.
The Standing Rock Sioux , have just as much right to want their world to be safe and healthy and no man should for the sake of money try to change that.  even if you don’t agree, put yourself in their shoes.  How would you feel if a company came and told you they were going to tear up your back yard, your house, your garden,  your church, the park where your kids play, the lake your kids swim in, your town and put a pipeline in.  “But don’t worry, it won’t effect you.”
Here is a study done about birth effects from oil and gas:
 and another one
We have all seen the results of pipeline leaks and accidents, none of us would want that in our stomping grounds, where we live, shop, play, work and worship.
The question comes to us all, what can just one person do.  One person can share what is happen and what should happen.  One person can refuse to go to Sunoco gas stations near them:
One person can share on their social media this letter.  One person can contact the companies involved and write a letter explaining how disappointed they are in the behavior they are doing to our fellow Americans.  One person can share the information in the letter.  One person can send money(even a dollar The Standing Rock Sioux and tell them you support their protest.  One person can create a video explaining their sadness and anger of a company trying force people to live the way the company thinks is ok. Just one person can create a letter and get signatures to send to your representative in the house and your senator, governor and even the president.  One person can add their voice to many or invite many to speak out together.
Dear Everyone, lets us stand together and make nobodies be heard and counted!
Dear Protesters, I, Shardvixen, stand with you in spirit!  I push with all my soul against those who would change your land to suit their purposes and I will do all I can to help!  Blessing of safety, health and fortune on you and those you love and protect.
Greetings; All Shardvixen here:  Please share this letter on your social media.  We can add your voice and help.  We just need to stand together!
Catch you all on the flip side! Peace!